Our research findings can be found in the below publications
Chow, A. Y. M., Zhang, A. Y., Chan, I. K. N., Fordjour, G. A., Lui, J. N. M., Lou, V. W. Q., & Chan, C. L. W. (2023). Caregiving Strain Mediates the Relationship Between Terminally Ill Patient’s Physical Symptoms and Their Family Caregivers’ Wellbeing: A Multicentered Longitudinal Study. Journal of Palliative Care, 8258597231215137.
Kong, D., Lu, P., Lou, V. W. Q., & Shelley, M. (2023). Insomnia Symptom Trajectory of Spouse Caregivers of Older Adults with Functional Limitations. Clinical Gerontologist, 1-12.
Kwok, J. Y. Y., Cheung, D. S. K., Zarit, S., Cheung, K. S.-L., Lau, B. H. P., Lou, V. W. Q., Cheng, S.-T., Gallagher-Thompson, D., & Chou, K.-L. (2023). Multiphase optimization of a multicomponent intervention for informal dementia caregivers: a study protocol. Trials, 24(1).
Lou, V. W. Q., Chung, H., Leung, W. C., Chang, R. S., Tsaw, M., Lo, C. N. R., & Chiu, A. T. G. (2023). Prevalence and predictors of depressive symptoms among caregivers of patients with epilepsy in Hong Kong. Epilepsy & Behavior, 147, 109411.
Lu, N., Lou, V. W. Q., & Mao, S. (2023). Stressor Trajectories among Older Adults with Disabilities and Positive Caregiving Experiences among Family Caregivers in Urban China. Health & Social Care in the Community, 2023, 1–8.
Yan, E., Lai, D. W., Cheng, S. T., Ng, H. K., Lou, V. W. Q., Fong, D., & Kwok, T. (2023). Typology of family caregivers of older persons: A latent profile analysis using elder mistreatment risk and protective factors. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 1-31.
Zhao, X., Zhang, Q., Ji, Y., Liu, H., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2023). Influence of spousal caregiving and living arrangement on depression among husband caregivers in rural China. Aging & Mental Health, 27(7), 1266–1273.
Zhao, X., Zhang, Q., Xu, H., Li, X., Lou, V. W. Q., & Liu, H. (2023). Unmet needs and depression among spousal caregivers: the mediating role of marital satisfaction. Aging & Mental Health, 27(10), 2027–2033.